Tuesday 24 February 2015

DIANABOL - Methandrostenolone, INDIA @ 09884425000

DIANABOL - Methandrostenolone  @ 09884425000

Methandrostenolone  (trade names Averbol, Dianabol, Danabol), also known as methandienone, or informally as dianabol, is an orally-effective anabolic steroids originally developed in Germany and released in the US in the early 1960s by Ciba Specialty Chemicals.Methandrostenolone is a controlled substance in the United States and Western Europe and remains popular among bodybuilders. An injectable form is sold online from United States based companies. Methandrostenolone is readily available without a prescription in countries such as Mexico (under the trade name Reforvit-b), and is also being manufactured in Asia and many East European countries.

 Methandrostenolone - Dianabol 

Despite the lack of any known therapeutic applications, the drug remained legal until 2001.The United States Congress added certain kinds of steroids which may or may not include methandrostenolone to the Controlled Substances Act as an amendment known as the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990. This act placed steroids in the same category as some amphetamines as a "Schedule III" drug and possession of these drugs results in a felony. It is used by bodybuilders and methandrostenolone continues to be used illegally to this day, typically being combined (stacked) with injectable compounds, such as testosterone propionate, enanthate, cypionate as well as other injectable drugs like trenbolone acetate.
Several successful athletes and professional bodybuilders have come forward and admitted long-term methandrostenolone use before the drug was banned, including Arnold Schwarzenegger. Other steroids stacked with methandrostenolone are primarily, if not always, injectable compounds such as testosterone, trenbolone and nandrolone. Large doses and long-term use of methandrostenolone have been associated with eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy which presents substantially increased risks of cardiomyopathy if and when the hypertrophy atrophies. Athleticism is typically associated with left-ventricular hypertrophy however natural athleticism generally presents concentric left ventricular growth which is not linked to an increased risk of cardiomyopathy.

Cycles and Dianabol Dosages

While Dianabol is most appropriate and most commonly used for gaining strength and size in bulking cycles, it is possible to use it effectively in cutting cycles. That said, because it is mostly used for bulking, that is the use that we will focus on here. It is an oral steroid that takes effect rapidly and has a short half life of about 5-6 hours to match. This makes Dianabol one of the fastest acting and shortest lived steroids available.
Because it works so quickly, most users like to use Dianabol doses for a few weeks at the beginning of a steroid cycle to kickstart results. Though kickstarting cycles is the most common use of Dianabol, some users will take it in order to help break through plateaus when size and strength gains begin to slow down. Experienced competitive bodybuilders will use it to kickstart a cycle, and again later to bust through a plateau. 

Between 20mg and 50mg a Day for Beginners

When it comes to dosing, there are no hard and fast rules, but 20 milligrams is the minimum needed by most male athletes to see results. The maximum dose for most athletes is about 50 milligrams of Dianabol, but some highly seasoned and daring users will go as high as 100 milligrams per day. Though 100 mg is generally regarded as safe, but most users will get great results at a maximum daily dose of 50 mg. Keep in mind, however, that this is assuming the product you get is genuine.
For beginning users, a starting dose of 20-30 mg per day is suggested. This range gives great results, but is still low enough to minimize side effects and to give the user a chance to find out how the steroid affects their individual physiology. It is crucial with any anabolic steroid for new users to start with low doses in order to gauge their individual reaction and tolerance to the specific steroid. Not only this, some users may even find that the low DBol dose is all they ever need to get the results they need.

Unwanted Dianabol Side Effects

Though Dianabol can be liver toxic, it is possible to not only avoid actual liver damage but to return liver enzymes to normal levels provided the steroid is used responsibly, at recommended doses and in cycles not to exceed six weeks at a time.
While liver toxicity is a concern, an even greater concern is the tendency to elevate blood pressure. Individuals who are prone to high blood pressure should avoid using Dianabol unless and until their blood pressure is well managed. Although elevated blood pressure is one of the more common side effects of Dianabol, many users will not have a problem, even at doses on the higher end of the spectrum. Unless you have existing high blood pressure, it really is impossible to tell whether and to what degree it might affect you.
The next common issue with Dianabol is that it aromatizes and converts to estrogen. This makes it necessary for users to watch out for estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia. To avoid this, many users will include an aromatase inhibitor like Arimidex or Letrozole.
Finally, Dianabol inhibits the body’s ability to produce natural testosterone and most users will counteract this by supplementing with injectable testosterone in order to maintain normal levels of the hormone. Most users get a tremendous advantage from taking Dianabol and testosterone together in a stack.

Detection of use:-

Methandrostenolone is subject to extensive hepatic biotransformation by a variety of enzymatic pathways. The primary urinary metabolites are detectable for up to 3 days, and a recently discovered hydroxymethyl metabolite is found in urine for up to 19 days after a single 5 mg oral dose. Several of the metabolites are unique to methandrostenolone. Methods for detection in urine specimens usually involve gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

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