Thursday 12 March 2015

BURNABOL - Cutter Stack - INDIA @ 09884425000


            Burnabol contains 50mg Trenbolone Acetate, 50mg Testosterone Propionate and 50mg Drostanolone Propionate. The combination of these three molecules gives a solid combination which hardens and tones your muscles and allows for fast lean muscle gains within just a few weeks.
Composition per ml:
img img img
Oil Base img Q. S.
Benzyl Alcohol img 0,9%
Testosterone Propionate img 50mg
Trenbolone Acetate img 50mg
Drostanolone Propionate img 50mg

Tuesday 3 March 2015

TRENBOLONE - INDIA @ 09884425000


 Trenbolone is a steroid used on livestock to increase muscle growth and appetite. To increase its effective half-life, trenbolone is not used in a refined form, but is rather administered as ester derivatives such as trenbolone acetate, trenbolone enanthate, or trenbolone cyclohexylmethylcarbonate (Parabolan). Plasma lipases then cleave the ester group in the bloodstream leaving free trenbolone.

 Bodybuilders and athletes have been known to use the drug illicitly because they experience an increase in body mass more effectively than by weight training alone and because of its reputation as a fat-burning, as well as bulking agent. In the United States, possession or use of trenbolone for humans is a violation of federal law. The DEA classifies trenbolone as a schedule III drug.Trenbolone is classified as a Schedule 4 drug in Canada and a class C drug with no penalty for personal use or possession in the United Kingdom.Use or possession of steroids without a prescription is a crime in Australia.It is, nonetheless, available over the counter in many countries and fully legal for use.

 Use and effects

Trenbolone acetate is often referred to as "Fina" by users, because injectable trenbolone acetate was originally adapted for use by bodybuilders from dissolution of Finaplix H pellets, an ear implant used by cattle ranchers to maintain the weight of cattle during shipping to slaughter. Trenbolone improves muscle mass, feed efficiency, and mineral absorption in cattle.
Trenbolone compounds have a binding affinity for the androgen receptor five times as high as that of testosterone. Once metabolized, the drugs have the effect of increasing ammonium ion uptake by muscles, leading to an increase in the rate of protein synthesis. It may also have the secondary effects of stimulating appetite and decreasing the rate of catabolism, as all anabolic steroids are believed to; however, catabolism likely increases significantly once the steroid is no longer taken.Trenbolone has proven popular with anabolic steroid users, as some believe it is not metabolized by aromatase or 5α-reductase into estrogenic compounds such as estradiol, or into dihydrotestosterone; however, studies on this are mixed, with some studies showing a potential increase in both.At least one study in rats has shown trenbolone to cause gene expression with the androgen receptor at least as potent as DHT. This evidence tends to indicate Trenbolone can cause an increase in male secondary sex characteristics without the need to convert to dihydrotestosterone.
Since steroids generally cause virilization effects in women in even small doses, this drug should not be taken by women. Kidney toxicity has been suggested, but has not yet been proven, and scientific evidence supporting the idea is absent from the bodybuilding community that perpetuates this idea. The origin of this myth most likely has to do with the rust-colored oxidized metabolites of trenbolone which are excreted in urine and often mistaken for blood.Trenbolone and 17epi-trenbolone are both excreted in urine as conjugates that can be hydrolyzed with beta-glucuronidase. This implies that trenbolone leaves the body as beta-glucuronides or sulfates.
As with most other drugs the side effects are dose dependent, and can include the following:
  • Dramatic increases in strength, sex drive, heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Heavy breathing (feeling of breathlessness).
  • Elevated body temperature and night sweats.
  • Production of dark colored urine.
  • Insomnia and nightmares.
  • Erectile dysfunction.
  • Reduction in appetite.
  • Paranoia.
  • Enuresis.

Trenbolone Side Effects

To some extent, there is a price in side effects to be paid for this, but not nearly to the extent that many imagine. While a few find trenbolone problematic for reasons of increased aggressive tendency, night sweats, or reduced aerobic performance, most find these side effects slight and easily managed, or non-existent for them personally.

Trenbolone and Suppressed Estradiol Production

A second reason is that estradiol levels fall too low when trenbolone is used alone. This occurs because natural testosterone production is suppressed when using trenbolone, and this in turn suppresses natural estradiol production. And since trenbolone itself does not aromatize (convert to estrogen), then there is very little substrate available for aromatization, and estrogen production becomes abnormally low. This can cause joint, mood, and libido problems.Concurrent use of testosterone, Dianabol, or HCG with trenbolone can solve the above estrogen issue. Typically at least 100 mg/week of testosterone will be used for this purpose, or at least 10 or 15 mg/day of Dianabol.


Wednesday 25 February 2015

BOLDENONE - Boldenone Undecylenate , INDIA @ 09884425000

Equipoise (Boldenone Undecylenate)

Boldenone (1,4-androstadiene-3-one-17β-ol, available as the undecylenate ester), also known under the trade names Equipoise, Ganabol, Equigan and Ultragan, is an anabolic steroid.When you look at boldenone on paper, you can see it’s basically the same hormone as dianabol, except for one huge change. The dianabol hormone is 17AA for oral use, and only has an effective 8 hour half life because of it. Equipoise lacks the 17AA group but actually has a very long undecylenate ester chain attached instead. This ester chain makes boldenone very oil soluble, to the point where in its’ raw form, before being suspended in oil, boldenone undecylenate is already a sort of oily substance with the consistency of syrup.
Enzymes in your liver will eventually cleave off the ester chain from the boldenone hormone, finally setting it free so that it can interact with androgen receptors in your muscle cells.

History of Boldenone:-

Equipoise, also known as Boldenone Undecylenate or EQ, is a veterinarian steroid developed by CIBA, to be a form of long-acting injectable dianabol. The intended use was in the horse and cattle industry. In general, EQ comes in an oil suspension that can be injected into animals every 6 weeks. There are no legitimate version of boldenone undecylenate approved by any government anywhere in the world for human use. All of the Equipoise on the market is either from approved veterinarian labs or made in an underground laboratories meant for the black market. Even though it is meant as veterinarian steroid, boldenone is quite powerful when used by humans.

Effects and side-effects:- 

The activity of boldenone is mainly anabolic, with a low androgenic potency.Boldenone will increase nitrogen retention, protein synthesis, increases appetite and stimulates the release of erythropoietin in the kidneys.

Boldenone was synthesized in an attempt to create a long-acting injectable methandrostenolone (Dianabol), for androgen deficiency disorders. Boldenone acts similar to methandrostenolone with less adverse androgenic effects. It has a very long half-life, and can show up on a steroid test for up to 5 months, due to the long undecylenate ester attached to the parent steroid. Trace amounts of the drug can easily be detected for months after discontinued use.
Although commonly compared to nandrolone, boldenone lacks progesterone receptor interaction and all the associated progestogenic side effects.

What is the half-life of boldenone undecylenate?
Boldenone has a very long half-life, 14 day. In addition, it can remain in the body for months or even years and is, therefore, not recommended for use during active sports seasons as the user is sure to test positive.

How to use Equipoise? What dosages to use?
Equipoise is used by athletes and bodybuilders to increase endurance, muscle mass and the production of red blood cells in the body. It is best known for providing slow but steady gains during bulking cycles (usually called the EQgains). EQ can be used in dosages ranging from 200mg to 600mg per week for as long as 12 weeks.
In recent years, equipoise has become a favorite among powerlifters and is considered by coaches as an ideal replacement for deca durabolin. This is primarily because the quality of muscle mass and strength gains that are experienced while on equipoise happen without the nasty side effects of deca. Also, EQ has a positive effect on the circulation of blood in the body; allowing for maximum blood flood to muscles during intense training sessions.
In medical use, equipoise can promote erythropoietin (EPO) stimulating factor that, in turn, stimulates the bone marrow growth that leads to an increased production of red blood cells. More red blood cell means more hemoglobin, and a higher oxygen carrying capacity. EQ may also result in changes to electrolyte levels because of its potent mineralocorticoid properties.
  • For men, the average dose is 400-600mgs per week, but I’ve seen guys go up to 1000mgs per week as long as cycle aids were used.
  • For women, the average dose is 25-50mgs per week, but you have to be very careful. If you see heavy side effects, discontinue EQ or lower dosages.

What are the detection times?
Because of the long ester chain bonded to equipoise, it can take as long as 6 weeks for the product to fully leave your body and up to 16-18 months for detection. Since the long ester chain basically becomes a type of long molecular lipid, some tiny fraction of each dose can actually be stored in your fatty deposits and sit there for months and slow-release significant enough amounts to be detected. Some of my clients have tested posted for boldenone 18 months after their last injection.

TESTOSTERONE - INDIA @ 09884425000


Testosterone is a steroid hormone from the androgen group and is found in humans and other vertebrates. In humans and other mammals, testosterone is secreted primarily by the testicles of males and, to a lesser extent, the ovaries of females. Small amounts are also secreted by the adrenal glands. It is the principal male sex hormone and an anabolic steroid.
In men, testosterone plays a key role in the development of male reproductive tissues such as the testis and prostate as well as promoting secondary sexual characteristics such as increased muscle, bone mass, and the growth of body hair. In addition, testosterone is essential for health and well-being as well as the prevention of osteoporosis.
On average, in adult males, levels of testosterone are about 7–8 times as great as in adult females,but, as the metabolic consumption of testosterone in males is greater, the daily production is about 20 times greater in men.Females are also more sensitive to the hormone. Testosterone is observed in most vertebrates. Fish make a slightly different form called 11-ketotestosterone. Its counterpart in insects is ecdysone.These ubiquitous steroids suggest that sex hormones have an ancient evolutionary history

Testosterone Injection

As it pertains to a testosterone injection a common question often revolves around the dosage. If you’re new to anabolic steroids this can be a little confusing, after all, there are multiple forms of testosterone each dosed in its own unique way. Even for the seasoned individual who is accustomed to a regular injection of testosterone is often misguided in his methods especially when it comes to dosing; we can largely thank the multitude of bad information floating around the web for this problem. To be frank, there isn’t a set one size-fits-all dose that will meet everyone’s needs but we can establish guidelines and parameters to follow.

Testosterone Injection for HRT:

For the individual who has been prescribed hormone replacement therapy (HRT) if he receives a regular testosterone injection as part of this treatment, generally 250mg will be the max dose given, although a dose of 100mg-200mg every 7-14 days is a far more common testosterone injection for the HRT patient. In the U.S. users will generally be prescribed testosterone-cypionate or testosterone-propionate and the total injection dose will be based on the milligrams provided by the particular testosterone being used taking into account the half-life and then determining total dosing levels to meet this person’s needs. For example, if an individual is prescribed a dose of 200mg every two weeks one testosterone injection of Cypionate every two weeks is all that is needed. If the individual is prescribed testosterone-propionate at the same dosing level, 200mg every two weeks, he would need to inject approximately 50mg every 3-4 days.
You and your physician will determine what is best for you. Although one bi-weekly injection is far more appealing some individuals will be able to maintain a more stable level with frequent doses of testosterone at a lower level making more frequent injections needed.

Testosterone Injection for the Performance Enhancer:

For the performance enhancer a testosterone injection will need to far surpass HRT levels if we are to reach performance enhancing levels. The idea behind HRT is to simply increase testosterone levels in a manner that returns them to normal. For the performance enhancer the idea is to go beyond normal, to give our body an amount of testosterone it is incapable of producing beyond natural levels. This type of testosterone dosing is commonly referred to as a Supraphysiological dose and for most this will fall in the 400mg-500mg per week range at a minimum. Much less and you won’t see any true gains or benefit.
For the novice or first time anabolic steroid user, a weekly testosterone injection of 400mg-500mg per week is a fine starting point. If you’re using testosterone-cypionate you will find the drug to be dosed at 200mg/ml meaning 2cc or 2ml of the testosterone will give you 400mg; you can inject all 400mg once per week or split it into two even 200mg doses approximately every 3-4 days. If you’re using testosterone-enanthate you will find the drug to be dosed at 250mg/ml meaning 2cc or 2ml of the testosterone will give you 500mg; you can inject all 500mg once per week or split it into two even 250mg doses approximately every 3-4 days.
Many performance enhancers eventually far surpass this 400mg-500mg per week level but just as many find this to be a very comfortable and relatively safe dose and never find a reason to increase the dosing levels. Keep in mind, the higher the dose is the greater the risk. The reward of a higher dosed testosterone injection may indeed be very great but the odds of unwanted side-effects have also increased; there is a risk to reward ratio and only you can weigh and judge if the risk is worth it. It is important to note, if other anabolic steroids are being stacked with your regular testosterone injection, again, the risk to reward ratio increases yet even more. If you are a performance enhancer be certain you keep an eye on your health; have blood work done regularly as well a regular scheduled physicals. If you do reach the point where you wish to try very high doses, your eye on your health will need to be even more prevalent.

Testosterone injections are the most common of all performance enhancing drug (PED) administrations. In many cases, testosterone is the only PED used by many performance athletes, as it is not only highly effective but one of the most well-tolerated PED’s in healthy adult men. Testosterone injections are very easy to perform, virtually painless and take all of about 30 seconds at most. Of course, depending on the type of testosterone you use will determine how frequently you need to inject, but this will not affect the ease of use. Of course, many are petrified of testosterone injections simply because they’re administering a PED. Let’s be clear, if you are a healthy adult male you have nothing to fear.

Types of Testosterone Injections

There are six common forms of testosterone used by performance enhancers. Each one is comprised of the same active testosterone hormone, but is unique based on the ester(s) attached, or in one case, the lack thereof. We have listed the six common forms, the recommended injection frequency for performance as well as a brief description:
-Common Testosterone Injections:

Form Administration Frequency Notes
Omnadren 3x per week 4 Ester Mixture:
Testosterone-Propionate (Small Ester)
Testosterone-Phenylpropionate (Small Ester)
Testosterone-Isocaproate (Moderate Ester)
Testosterone-Caproate (Large Ester)
Sustanon-250 3x per week 4 Ester Mixture:
Testosterone-Propionate (Small Ester)
Testosterone-Phenylpropionate (Small Ester)
Testosterone-Isocaproate (Moderate Ester)
Testosterone-Decanoate (Very Large Ester)
Testosterone-Cypionate 2x per week 1 single Large Cypionate Ester
Testosterone-Enanthate 2x per week 1 single Large Enanthate Ester
Testosterone-Propionate Every Other Day 1 single Small Propionate Ester
Testosterone-Suspension Every Day No Ester Attached – Pure Testosterone

The Fear of Testosterone Injections

The fear is simple; testosterone is an anabolic steroid, it is the primary anabolic steroid, and for your entire life you’ve been told to fear anabolic steroids. It has been beaten into your head repeatedly in a sense that almost compares anabolic steroids to tools of pure evil. With this in mind, let’s be clear, let’s be very straightforward. Testosterone is a hormone your body naturally produces. Of all the hormones your body produces, testosterone is one of the most important; many medical professionals have listed it as one of the most important hormones in the human body. It is essential not only to our development, especially men, but essential to our physical, mental and sexual health, and this includes both men and women. For the healthy adult male, the use of exogenous testosterone, even in supraphysiological doses is often very well-tolerated. If you doubt this, please see the NEJM study titled “The Effects of Supraphysiologic Doses of Testosterone on Muscle Size and Strength in Normal Men.”
The point is simple, you have no need to fear testosterone injections, as this is a hormone your body is quite accustomed to; in-fact, it craves it. Granted, while supraphysiological doses can be tolerated there will be a cutoff point in each man. The higher the dose goes the greater potential for adverse reactions, and while this is true, unfortunately there is not a one size fits all answer as to where this cutoff will occur. In the end, you must be responsible, listen to your body, pay attention to your body and supplement with caution.

Where to Inject

Testosterone injections can be administered into almost any major muscle in the body. Within each muscle group, often there are multiple points that can be injected. For example, each deltoid holds 3 spots where you may perform testosterone injections. We have provided a chart with each muscle that may be injected, the number of spots in the muscle and where in the muscle to inject regarding location:
Muscle Injection Points Location
Biceps 2 Center of each head
Triceps 3 Center of each head
Deltoids 3 Center of each head
Pectorals 3 Inner-upper, Inner-lower, Outer-lower
Quads 2 Center of teardrop or sweep
Glutes 1 Upper outer area
Lats 1 Center of each head
Traps 1 Center of each head
Calves 2 Center of each head

Notes on Injection Locations

  • These same sites used for testosterone injections can be used for any steroid.
· Traps and Calves should never be injected, they can be and that is why we listed them, they can handle the injection but there are a lot of nerves in those areas and you can really do damage if you’re not careful.
· Glutes and Deltoids will be all most ever have to use.

Tuesday 24 February 2015

NANDROLONE - Deca-Durabolin , INDIA @ 09884425000

Nandrolone - Deca-Durabolin

Nandrolone , 19-nortestosterone) is an anabolic steroid. Nandrolone is most commonly sold commercially as its decanoate ester (Deca-Durabolin, eubolin, retabolil) and less commonly as a phenylpropionate ester (Durabolin, fenobolin). Nandrolone decanoate is used in the treatment of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women (though now not recommended) at a dose of 50 mg every three weeks. It is also used for some aplastic anemias.

The positive effects of the drug include muscle growth, appetite stimulation and increased red blood cell production and bone density. Clinical studies have shown it to be effective in treating anaemia, osteoporosis and some forms of neoplasia including breast cancer, and also acts as a progestin-based contraceptive. For these reasons, in the United States nandrolone received FDA approval in 1983.
Because nandrolone is not broken down into DHT, the deleterious effects common to most anabolic steroids on the scalp, skin, and prostate are lessened to a degree; but is rather broken down to the much weaker androgen dihydronandrolone. The lack of alkylation on the 17α-carbon drastically reduces the drug's liver toxicity. Estrogenic effects resulting from reaction with aromatase are also reduced due to lessened enzyme interaction,but effects such as gynaecomastia and reduced libido still occur in larger doses because of other mechanisms. Other side-effects of abuse can include erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular damage, as well as several ailments resulting from the drug's effect of lowering levels of luteinizing hormone through negative feedback. Erectile dysfunction is attributed to the weaker action of dihydronandrolone in the penis since dihydrotestosterone is a known sexual modulator.

Beginner Deca-Durabolin Doses:-
Deca-Durabolin is one of the most widely available and popular anabolic steroids available on the black market. For this reason it’s often advised and suggested to run Deca-Durabolin as a first cycle. This isn’t wrong, per se, but it should under no circumstances be used alone. This is because Deca-Durabolin is an extremely suppressive androgen to our natural testosterone levels. When we use anabolic steroids, we need our supply of testosterone to remain in normal ranges. This is done by using a testosterone derived steroids, such as, Testosterone Enanthate. We do not maintain our natural supply, we replace it. This is to prevent side effects associated with low-testosterone. These include, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, low energy, lethargy, loss of confidence, increase in body fat and acne due to hormone changes. This can be avoided when we use Testosterone Enanthate, Cypionate or Propionate in combination with Deca-Durabolin. If not, then we will suffer from these extra side effects and the dreaded “Deca Dick”. So, to recap, do not use Deca without a form of testosterone.

Beginners can use Deca-Durabolin due to its being a gentle compound compared to other anabolic steroids, but because its use alone is not recommended, its better suited as a second or third choice when wanting to cross the line and start using steroids. However, if you do decide to try Deca-Durabolin as a beginner, regardless of being an athlete or body builder, we suggest a dose of no more than 300-400mg per week. Often Deca is chosen as a second cycle when the user knows how they will respond to exogenous testosterone. The combination of Testosterone Enanthate 400mg per week and Deca-Durabolin 400mg per week will provide the user with a good synergy effect, and will be better than either alone. Lower doses can be used than 300-400mg per week of Deca, but that’s the general rule. If you experience side effects, stop its use immediately.

 Deca-Durabolin Doses:-
Just like any anabolic steroid, the dosing of Deca-Durabolin is paramount. It’s important because the Deca-Durabolin dose will determine whether or not we will gain from its use, or experience side effects. The dose of Deca-Durabolin can be determined by a number of factors. These include; age, gender, goals, past experience and stats (body weight). All these variables will help you decide which Deca-Durabolin dose is best suited for you. Too little and you won’t gain from the use of this anabolic steroid, too much and you will suffer the consequences of temporary and permanent side effects, it’s that simple. You will be pleased to hear that generally Deca-Durabolin is a well-tolerated anabolic steroid, compared to other steroids out there as widely available as Deca is. There are some very important factors on how to dose Deca-Durabolin and we will discuss them in this article.

Beginner Deca-Durabolin Doses:-
 Deca-Durabolin is one of the most widely available and popular anabolic steroids available on the black market. For this reason it’s often advised and suggested to run Deca-Durabolin as a first cycle. This isn’t wrong, per se, but it should under no circumstances be used alone. This is because Deca-Durabolin is an extremely suppressive androgen to our natural testosterone levels. When we use anabolic steroids, we need our supply of testosterone to remain in normal ranges. This is done by using a testosterone derived steroids, such as, Testosterone Enanthate. We do not maintain our natural supply, we replace it. This is to prevent side effects associated with low-testosterone. These include, low sex drive, erectile dysfunction, low energy, lethargy, loss of confidence, increase in body fat and acne due to hormone changes. This can be avoided when we use Testosterone Enanthate, Cypionate or Propionate in combination with Deca-Durabolin. If not, then we will suffer from these extra side effects and the dreaded “Deca Dick”. So, to recap, do not use Deca without a form of testosterone.

Beginners can use Deca-Durabolin due to its being a gentle compound compared to other anabolic steroids, but because its use alone is not recommended, its better suited as a second or third choice when wanting to cross the line and start using steroids. However, if you do decide to try Deca-Durabolin as a beginner, regardless of being an athlete or body builder, we suggest a dose of no more than 300-400mg per week. Often Deca is chosen as a second cycle when the user knows how they will respond to exogenous testosterone. The combination of Testosterone Enanthate 400mg per week and Deca-Durabolin 400mg per week will provide the user with a good synergy effect, and will be better than either alone. Lower doses can be used than 300-400mg per week of Deca, but that’s the general rule. If you experience side effects, stop its use immediately.

Deca-Durabolin Bulking Doses:- Deca-Durabolin is often an anabolic steroid that is used in a bulking cycle or stack where the user wishes to obtain muscle mass and weight. Deca-Durabolin has a weak binding affinity for the androgen receptor, but it exerts its muscle building qualities by other non-AR mediated effects, such as increasing nitrogen retention and protein synthesis. Because Deca increases nitrogen retention fairly dramatically, it will increase water retention, or the muscles ability to carry additional water. This is a common trait seen in Deca-Durabolin users, so it’s a favoured choice for those wishing to gain muscle mass and weight. A staple amongst bodybuilders in the offseason and during bulking stacks, Deca-Durabolin has been around and used for decades. Even said to be used frequently by Arnold himself, you can see why its popularity has grown over the years since its introduction into the steroid using world and community.
We know Deca-Durabolin shouldn’t be used alone now, and that doesn’t change whether we’re bulking or cutting. A backbone of Testosterone needs to be used regardless of our goals, otherwise be you will be tackling the severe side effects low testosterone brings. Due to the added water retention this progestin will bring, we also know that its best used during bulking phases. It has the ability to add slow and steady amounts of muscle to the frame when used. Due to Deca’s long active life (deconoate) it needs to be run for a cycle of some 10-12 weeks or more. This is when Deca-Durabolin will be most effective and do what it does best in phases where muscle accrual is our goal. Deca-Durabolin at 400mg/wk is a good starting dose with the addition of Testosterone Enanthate at 500mg/wk or Sustanon 250 at the same dose. The incidences of side effects should be rare in these doses, but increasing the dose may bring more gains, but also often more side effects. Larger doses can be used in more experienced users. Even experienced users don’t tend to use more than 600-900mg/wk of Deca-Durabolin.

 Deca-Durabolin Doses in Women :-
Women should use low androgenic and anabolic rated steroids because the higher rating steroids may lead to temporary and permanent side effects, mainly virilisation. These side effects are hard to avoid and increasing the steroidal dose will mean there is a higher chance and likelihood of side effects. Deca-Durabolin and be used be women at 50-100mg/wk with other anabolics. However, due to the massive reduction in testosterone even minimal amounts of Deca can bring, its advised to stop use if sexual side effects occur, though rare. If virilisation symptoms begin to appear, lower the dose or stop its use immediately. Milder steroids, such as, Anavar and Primobolan are better suited for women and suggested over Deca-Durabolin usage.

DIANABOL - Methandrostenolone, INDIA @ 09884425000

DIANABOL - Methandrostenolone  @ 09884425000

Methandrostenolone  (trade names Averbol, Dianabol, Danabol), also known as methandienone, or informally as dianabol, is an orally-effective anabolic steroids originally developed in Germany and released in the US in the early 1960s by Ciba Specialty Chemicals.Methandrostenolone is a controlled substance in the United States and Western Europe and remains popular among bodybuilders. An injectable form is sold online from United States based companies. Methandrostenolone is readily available without a prescription in countries such as Mexico (under the trade name Reforvit-b), and is also being manufactured in Asia and many East European countries.

 Methandrostenolone - Dianabol 

Despite the lack of any known therapeutic applications, the drug remained legal until 2001.The United States Congress added certain kinds of steroids which may or may not include methandrostenolone to the Controlled Substances Act as an amendment known as the Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 1990. This act placed steroids in the same category as some amphetamines as a "Schedule III" drug and possession of these drugs results in a felony. It is used by bodybuilders and methandrostenolone continues to be used illegally to this day, typically being combined (stacked) with injectable compounds, such as testosterone propionate, enanthate, cypionate as well as other injectable drugs like trenbolone acetate.
Several successful athletes and professional bodybuilders have come forward and admitted long-term methandrostenolone use before the drug was banned, including Arnold Schwarzenegger. Other steroids stacked with methandrostenolone are primarily, if not always, injectable compounds such as testosterone, trenbolone and nandrolone. Large doses and long-term use of methandrostenolone have been associated with eccentric left ventricular hypertrophy which presents substantially increased risks of cardiomyopathy if and when the hypertrophy atrophies. Athleticism is typically associated with left-ventricular hypertrophy however natural athleticism generally presents concentric left ventricular growth which is not linked to an increased risk of cardiomyopathy.

Cycles and Dianabol Dosages

While Dianabol is most appropriate and most commonly used for gaining strength and size in bulking cycles, it is possible to use it effectively in cutting cycles. That said, because it is mostly used for bulking, that is the use that we will focus on here. It is an oral steroid that takes effect rapidly and has a short half life of about 5-6 hours to match. This makes Dianabol one of the fastest acting and shortest lived steroids available.
Because it works so quickly, most users like to use Dianabol doses for a few weeks at the beginning of a steroid cycle to kickstart results. Though kickstarting cycles is the most common use of Dianabol, some users will take it in order to help break through plateaus when size and strength gains begin to slow down. Experienced competitive bodybuilders will use it to kickstart a cycle, and again later to bust through a plateau. 

Between 20mg and 50mg a Day for Beginners

When it comes to dosing, there are no hard and fast rules, but 20 milligrams is the minimum needed by most male athletes to see results. The maximum dose for most athletes is about 50 milligrams of Dianabol, but some highly seasoned and daring users will go as high as 100 milligrams per day. Though 100 mg is generally regarded as safe, but most users will get great results at a maximum daily dose of 50 mg. Keep in mind, however, that this is assuming the product you get is genuine.
For beginning users, a starting dose of 20-30 mg per day is suggested. This range gives great results, but is still low enough to minimize side effects and to give the user a chance to find out how the steroid affects their individual physiology. It is crucial with any anabolic steroid for new users to start with low doses in order to gauge their individual reaction and tolerance to the specific steroid. Not only this, some users may even find that the low DBol dose is all they ever need to get the results they need.

Unwanted Dianabol Side Effects

Though Dianabol can be liver toxic, it is possible to not only avoid actual liver damage but to return liver enzymes to normal levels provided the steroid is used responsibly, at recommended doses and in cycles not to exceed six weeks at a time.
While liver toxicity is a concern, an even greater concern is the tendency to elevate blood pressure. Individuals who are prone to high blood pressure should avoid using Dianabol unless and until their blood pressure is well managed. Although elevated blood pressure is one of the more common side effects of Dianabol, many users will not have a problem, even at doses on the higher end of the spectrum. Unless you have existing high blood pressure, it really is impossible to tell whether and to what degree it might affect you.
The next common issue with Dianabol is that it aromatizes and converts to estrogen. This makes it necessary for users to watch out for estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia. To avoid this, many users will include an aromatase inhibitor like Arimidex or Letrozole.
Finally, Dianabol inhibits the body’s ability to produce natural testosterone and most users will counteract this by supplementing with injectable testosterone in order to maintain normal levels of the hormone. Most users get a tremendous advantage from taking Dianabol and testosterone together in a stack.

Detection of use:-

Methandrostenolone is subject to extensive hepatic biotransformation by a variety of enzymatic pathways. The primary urinary metabolites are detectable for up to 3 days, and a recently discovered hydroxymethyl metabolite is found in urine for up to 19 days after a single 5 mg oral dose. Several of the metabolites are unique to methandrostenolone. Methods for detection in urine specimens usually involve gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Anabolic and androgenic effects

Anabolic and androgenic effects

As the name suggests, anabolic-androgenic steroids have two different, but overlapping, types of effects: anabolic, meaning that they promote anabolism (cell growth), and androgenic (or virilising), meaning that they affect the development and maintenance of masculine characteristics.
Some examples of the anabolic effects of these hormones are increased protein synthesis from amino acids, increased appetite, increased bone remodeling and growth, and stimulation of bone marrow, which increases the production of red blood cells. Through a number of mechanisms anabolic steroids stimulate the formation of muscle cells and hence cause an increase in the size of skeletal muscles, leading to increased strength.
The androgenic effects of AAS are numerous. Depending on the length of use, the side effects of the steroid can be irreversible. Processes affected include pubertal growth, sebaceous gland oil production, and sexuality (especially in fetal development). Some examples of virilizing effects are growth of the clitoris in females and the penis in male children (the adult penis size does not change due to steroids[medical citation needed] ), increased vocal cord size, increased libido, suppression of natural sex hormones, and impaired production of sperm. Effects on women include deepening of the voice, facial hair growth, and possibly a decrease in breast size. Men may develop an enlargement of breast tissue, known as gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, and a reduced sperm count.
The androgenic:anabolic ratio of an AAS is an important factor when determining the clinical application of these compounds. Compounds with a high ratio of androgenic to an anabolic effects are the drug of choice in androgen-replacement therapy (e.g., treating hypogonadism in males), whereas compounds with a reduced androgenic:anabolic ratio are preferred for anemia and osteoporosis, and to reverse protein loss following trauma, surgery, or prolonged immobilization. Determination of androgenic:anabolic ratio is typically performed in animal studies, which has led to the marketing of some compounds claimed to have anabolic activity with weak androgenic effects. This disassociation is less marked in humans, where all anabolic steroids have significant androgenic effects.
A commonly used protocol for determining the androgenic:anabolic ratio, dating back to the 1950s, uses the relative weights of ventral prostate (VP) and levator ani muscle (LA) of male rats. The VP weight is an indicator of the androgenic effect, while the LA weight is an indicator of the anabolic effect. Two or more batches of rats are castrated and given no treatment and respectively some AAS of interest. The LA/VP ratio for an AAS is calculated as the ratio of LA/VP weight gains produced by the treatment with that compound using castrated but untreated rats as baseline: (LAc,t–LAc)/(VPc,t–VPc). The LA/VP weight gain ratio from rat experiments is not unitary for testosterone (typically 0.3–0.4), but it is normalized for presentation purposes, and used as basis of comparison for other AAS, which have their androgenic:anabolic ratios scaled accordingly (as shown in the table above). In the early 2000s, this procedure was standardized and generalized throughout OECD in what is now known as the Hershberger assay.

Body composition and strength improvements

A review spanning more than three decades of experimental studies in men found that body weight may increase by 2–5 kg as a result of short-term (<10 weeks) AAS use, which may be attributed mainly to an increase of lean mass. Animal studies also found that fat mass was reduced, but most studies in humans failed to elucidate significant fat mass decrements. The effects on lean body mass have been shown to be dose-dependent. Both muscle hypertrophy and the formation of new muscle fibers have been observed. The hydration of lean mass remains unaffected by AAS use, although small increments of blood volume cannot be ruled out.
The upper region of the body (thorax, neck, shoulders, and upper arm) seems to be more susceptible for AAS than other body regions because of predominance of androgen receptors in the upper body. The largest difference in muscle fiber size between AAS users and non-users was observed in type I muscle fibers of the vastus lateralis and the trapezius muscle as a result of long-term AAS self-administration. After drug withdrawal, the effects fade away slowly, but may persist for more than 6–12 weeks after cessation of AAS use.
The same review observed strength improvements in the range of 5–20% of baseline strength, depending largely on the drugs and dose used as well as the administration period. Overall, the exercise where the most significant improvements were observed is the bench press. For almost two decades, it was assumed that AAS exerted significant effects only in experienced strength athletes, particularly based on the studies of Hervey and coworkers. In 1996, a randomized controlled trial published in the New England Journal of Medicine demonstrated, however, that even in novice athletes a 10-week strength training program accompanied by testosterone enanthate at 600 mg/week may improve strength more than training alone does. The same study found that dose to be sufficient to significantly improve lean muscle mass relative to placebo even in subjects that did not exercise at all. A 2001 study by the same first author, showed that the anabolic effects of testosterone enanthate were highly dose dependent.